ANGLING: Astwood Bank's Dark Lane AC fished their fifth aggregate Dalesman Shield on Saturday on club waters on the Arrow.

Leading the 26-strong field was new member Glyn Blewett, who netted 16lb 14oz on the waggler while the in-form Martin Spencer took second with a 16lb 12oz haul off. Terry Sealey weighed in with 12lb 6oz to grab third and the section winners were Dave Curtis, Steve Aspindale and Tony Lockett.

The Needles AC held a match on the River Alne on Sunday and top rod on the day was Barry Maskel with a fine mixed bag weighing in at 16lb 8oz.

Sean Sawyer took second with 10lb 12oz with Rich Coates in third with 8lb 11oz. The section winners were John Mutchel, Glyn Blewett and Bob Sayers.