CHAIRWOMAN, Val Harris, reported on our exhibition at the Kingfisher Centre and announced the result of the voting at the exhibition.

She went on to present the trophies and certificates to the winners in each section before introducing Robert Geoghegan to give his presentation on Funny Brummie Paintings.

Robert explained that he wished to tell us how he chose his subjects rather than spend the session demonstrating his painting technique.

He paints many types of subject such as still life and landscape but his humorous, narrative type paintings are what he is best known for. He showed us examples of his work spanning the last ten years or so and pointed out how his style had evolved.

All of his paintings start off as a simple sketch to fix a possible subject in his mind. This is worked up to a more detailed A4 study and finally committed to his favoured surface, an A4 gesso-coated watercolour board. Robert started work on one of his paintings, while discussing his technique and materials and the content of his pictures.

They are usually populated by a variety of characters in situations that have interesting possibilities.

The next meeting will be at St Luke’s Memorial Hall, Evesham Road, Headless Cross on Wednesday, December 2 at 7.30pm when we round off the year with a social evening.