FOLLOWING news that health authorities have cut back on the number of operations at Redditch's Alexandra Hospital to help cope with the busy January period the town MP has moved to reassure residents.

The Advertiser reported yesterday that Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has introduced a "phased reduction" in the numbers of operations for January at The Alex Hospital.

Operations have also been cut back at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

The move is part of a winter plan, with Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, the three clinical commissioning groups and Worcestershire County Council.

The MP said: “As we all know, the Alex and other hospitals in the county are facing significant and increasing pressures this winter.

“I have spoken to the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and I have been assured the winter plan they have put in place is working and they are better prepared compared to this time last year. I will continue to monitor the situation.

"To help our Alex cope with the winter pressures, the Government has given the acute trust an additional £3.9million to help it better prepare for the increased demand on its services.

“£1.3million has been allocated to the trust to help it provide urgent and planned care through the winter period - including opening and staffing additional beds.

“The remaining £2.6million has been shared between the acute trust, CCGs and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust to further improve A&E performance.

“This money has been spent on a number of initiatives, including; further expansion of the Evergreen 2 ward at Worcestershire Royal by increasing the number of beds and recruiting additional staff, purchasing additional nursing home beds for patients to support their discharge from hospital, moving the successful Frailty Unit at the Alex to seven day working and increasing the number of district nurses and other community based health care staff available to care for patients in their own homes."

She added: “I also want to take this opportunity to praise the hard work of all our NHS staff, especially at this time of year.

"Just before Christmas I visited the Alex and saw first-hand the amazing work and dedication of the hospital staff. I know everyone in Redditch is very proud of them all.”