So, RT being the inquisitive type with slightly stalkerish tendencies has been looking at the blogs of the other people on the Kidderminster Shuttle and associates. Some, in my opinion, are good. Some, in my opinion, are not so good. That might be because they're not about what I'm interested in or are full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes which actually makes me want to cry: I quote...

...*Very angrily it seems*... 'there going too recieve my email shortly!!'


This is the point where RT just wants to curl up in a ball and die.

It even pushes me to the conclusion that if the Mayans were right and the apocalypse did tap us on the shoulder and say 'Hey we've finished our tea and are ready now, sorry about the delay', it might have been better. In a Noah's Arc-esq way, there would be no one left who didn't know the difference between 'your', 'you're', 'there', 'they're' and 'their'. Don't even get me started on 'compared with' as opposed to 'compared to'.

Nice on RT, you've just diverged and made your blog unnecessarily long and CONTRADICTED YOUR WHOLE ARGUMENT.

Tea. I need tea.

But YES. How long is too long for a blog post? Do you not even venture to read the post after seeing 9 block paragraphs? Or do you see that and think 'YES, I HAVE LOADS OF TIME TO READ THIS!' ?

I hate to say it but in all of RT's stalking of blogs last night there is absolutely no way I read all of the ones I saw. They were just too long!

Where do you draw the line?

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