DEAR Editor, 

Well it's 2023 and despite all the talk things have not got any better at the Alexander Hospital in Redditch. Child services (including And E facilities) moved in 2016 as a "temporary measure" have still not been returned seven years on and there is no fixed date for their return.

In addition, the overall A and E services which have slowly been eroded are still in a poor state with patients of all ages being taken to Worcester Royal, which according to the NHS's own website is the fifth furthest A and E from Redditch.

Worst of all the Garden Suite and the Cancer service which were again transferred out of the hospital on a "temporary basis"  three years ago in 2020 have still not been returned and there is no fixed date for their return.

To add insult to injury the planned extension to the hospital was poorly prepared and didn't receive planning permission. What a mess.

There is plainly something very wrong about the way the town and the County are being run if the people we elect (and pay) to do the best for the people are an utter shambles. 

Generally speaking, there are only two reasons things don't get done at this level, either the people in charge don't have the skill or the will to make things happen.

In Redditch's case, our MP, Council, County County Council and Government seem to be lacking in both of these qualities.

On this basis I think it is about time for a change in the people who represent us, starting with the Council Elections in the spring.

Regards Terry Leary, Matchborough.