REDDITCH Crematorium is set to host an event to mark National Death Awareness Week in a bid to encourage people to plan for the inevitable.

Lead by Dying Matters, a coalition which is made up of organisations across England and Wales from the NHS to funeral directors and schools to care homes, it runs from May 8 to 14.

This year the coalition asks ‘what can you do?’ and aims to get more people active in planning for dying.

As part of the Birmingham section of the group, which has the sub-theme YODO (you only die once) the council will be hosting an event at the crematorium to demonstrate and discuss the individual choices that a family can make in relation to arranging a funeral.

Bereavement services manager Michael Birkinshaw said: “Death is a taboo subject for many but by encouraging people to talk and think about it more means people will be aware of the support and information which is available at their time of need.

“As part of our event we will include a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the crematorium and explain what happens from the start to the end of the process which we hope will dispel any myths.”

Councillor Debbie Chance, whose portfolio covers bereavement services, said: “We have an open policy at our crematorium and when people have had a guided tour of it and understand how the process happens, they feel more informed and able to make a choice about their own funeral.

“I am delighted that we are playing our part in national Death Awareness Week – not only will it help people face a very difficult time, but it is an opportunity to showcase our excellent facility and staff who serve the borough and beyond."

The other Birmingham events over the week include death cafés, death discos and visits to other sites.

The event at the crematorium is on May 10.