SUPERMARKET Sainsbury's has helped Pitcheroak School with its fundraising drive for a new minibus.

The Redditch store donated 233 chocolate Easter eggs, which the school raffled in a chocolate tombola.

Hazel Lawless, a manager at the store, said: "Rather than reduce them we decided to take them to the school, which is trying to raise money for a new minibus."

Pitcheroak headteacher Rob Prince explained that the Variety Club minibus the school currently uses is coming to the end of its service.

Although the club has agreed to buy a new one, the school has been asked to raise £8,000 towards its cost.

"The minibus is something we use a lot," he said.

"Our youngsters, because of their special needs, do use a vehicle like that very well."

The chocolate tombola with the Sainsbury's Easter eggs was the second held at the school over Easter, as pupils and staff had organised a similar event before the donation.

So far, £1,000 has been raised towards the bus. Anyone who would like to make a donation can call school manager Jayne Sampson on 65576.