
  • Try something new at Abbey Stadium open day

    REDDITCH residents are being invited to try out classes at Redditch’s Abbey Stadium. An open day is being held at the venue, and visitors can try out LesMills classes from body combat and RPM, to body pump and body balance. The event runs from

  • What a miserable lot they all are!

    I must say I am dismayed at the actions of Redditch Council blocking roads to stop Mr Wilson setting up his funfair in the town. What a miserable lot they are. We used to be able to enjoy ourselves in Redditch. When I came here from Birmingham

  • Former TV star and radio presenter moves to print

    A FORMER children’s television actor and BBC Radio presenter from Redditch is celebrating the publication of an article in a prestigious journal. Mark Powlett, now a clinical hypnotherapist based in Redditch, was asked to write an article about