A CONSULTATION is being launched into a scheme to build seven homes in an area of woodland on the edge of Ludlow.

The area known as the Paddock has been sold to Shropshire Homes, the company that in developing Fishmore Quarry nearby.

People are being asked to give their view on plans to build two terraces to three houses and a bungalow that would be behind.

The scheme would provide for two parking spaces for each home and a further 10 parking places would be available for people who live in Castle View Terrace and usually park on the road.

There would also be a turning area, ending the need for drivers to reverse long distances.

Whilst there is no requirement for a formal consultation on a proposed development of this size, Shropshire Homes has decided to ask people what they think although it will not be possible to stage an exhibition because of Covid-19.

Andy Boddington, Shropshire Council for Ludlow North, is against the scheme.

“One of the great pleasures of Castle View Terrace is the view westwards over gardens and woodland,” said Mr Boddington.

“As you walk along the terrace, there is a feeling of being at the edge of the countryside. Especially at the far end of the cul de sac where a field often known as the medieval field lies behind a stone wall. It is a field where sheep may safely graze. But perhaps no longer.

“Even when residents support a development, and I am not expecting support for this proposal, they have concerns about HGV construction traffic. This development will be serviced by smaller vehicles operating from a base on the quarry.

“I don’t want this site to be developed. It is an unspoilt are of green space in east Ludlow, part of town that lacks green space. The brick wall which is set to be demolished is part of the character of the street. As is the paddock itself.

“This lovely greenfield site is under threat but brownfield sites remain undeveloped.”

This consultation will be by email and post. You can send comment to andrew.sheldon@shropshire-homes.com or andy@andybodders.co.uk.