FAMILIES who have suffered the loss of a baby can light candles in memory of their loved ones at a special memorial service in October.

It is hoped the service can provide a space for families to begin to understand their loss and remember the babies which live on in their love.

The babies memorial service is to take place at St Peter’s Church, Ipsley, 11am on Saturday, October 29. The gentle service will include hymns, poetry readings, music and prayers and there will be the opportunity to light candles in memory of lost children. After the service there will be the chance for bereaved families to mingle and talk over tea and coffee.

The memorial service has been organised by the Alexandra Hospital’s spiritual and pastoral care team, St Peter’s Church, Ipsley and Thomas Brother’s Funeral Directors.

The service is for all who have been affected by early or late miscarriage, termination, still birth or neonatal death, regardless of their background or faith.

The service is not just for families who have lost children recently. People have been known to attend services to mark what would have been a special birthday of their child had they survived.

The Revd Andrew Fisher, chaplain at the Alex, said: “Losing a child is every parent’s nightmare. Not only do we feel the physical loss but we feel our hopes and dreams for the future have been dashed as well.

“At the Alex we are blessed in having a special memorial garden for babies and there is a memorial book for babies in the hospital’s multi-faith prayer room. I hope that this special service at St Peter’s will be a way for families to remember their little ones and help continue the healing process.”

All are welcome to the special service at St Peter’s Church, Ipsley Church Lane, Ipsley, Redditch B98 0AJ. For more information, call Mr Fisher at the Alex on 01527 505723.