Parents and students at a school for those who struggle to access mainstream education have expressed their pride following last week's GCSE results. 

Tudor Grange Academy Treetops in Redditch is a bespoke specialist provision for children who have an EHCP with a diagnosis of autism as a primary need. 

The school currently provides education for 42 children and as an enhanced mainstream autism base, students are able to access the same full curriculum as they would in mainstream education. 

Like 16-year-olds across the country last week, GCSE results day marked a significant milestone in their journey at Treetops and, despite having to overcome significant challenges, every student passed all the exams they took.

Some students also achieved top grades in their favourite subjects with the school calling their achievements a "monumental". 

Ethan West with his family Ethan West with his family (Image: Treetops)

Ellie Grierson, deputy headteacher at Treetops, said: "The pride I feel is overwhelming because these children have achieved so much to get to this point in their lives.

"They all have to deal with a range of personal challenges every day and they all get up and come into school every day.

"The GCSE results, and even watching them chat comfortably together and having their photos taken, is really something. They continue to inspire me every day and I will miss them all so much." 

Di Fellowes, Head of Tudor Grange Academy Treetops, added: "It is an absolute privilege and an honour to be part of our children’s journeys.

"Yes, we have some exceptional results today, but today we are celebrating far more than GCSE grades.

"I know that our children are going out into the wider world with the experience, confidence and skills to excel in whatever they decide to do."

Ellie Grierson and Luke ThomasEllie Grierson and Luke Thomas (Image: Treetops)

16-year-old student Ethan West and his parents Kerry and Adam were delighted with his results after he achieved a glowing set of seven GCSEs including two grade 8s and a grade 9 in his favourite science subjects. 

Ethan will now be taking his A-levels at Heathfield Knoll School to pursue his love of sciences and computer science. 

His mum Kerry West said: "We are so pleased for Ethan. He’s very bright and has always enjoyed all things science. He’s always full of facts.

"We suspected he had autism when he was two and managed to get a diagnosis when he was seven. Whilst he managed at a small primary school with an understanding of autism, he really couldn’t cope at secondary school.

"I had to give up my job to support him as he really didn’t want to go to school. I got a call every day to come and pick him up.

"Since coming to Treetops in year 8, he’s wanted to come to school and he fell in love with learning.

"More so, he started to feel comfortable with people albeit on a one-to-one or in small groups. He’s got a really strong friendship group now and that is just as important to me."

Ethan West added: "I don’t know why I’m good at science and computers. Maybe because they are logical to me. I just find these subjects interesting.

"I’m really looking forward to going to my next school and I know I have already got a good friend here that will also be going.

"If I get the grades I’m aiming for, then I’m hoping to go to university, maybe in Birmingham."

Emma and Sam Cross Emma and Sam Cross (Image: Treetops)

Luke Field, art and English lead at Treetops, also expressed his delight at the GCSE results. 

He said: "Having autism and ADHD has never stopped me achieving what I set out to achieve and that is a really powerful message for our students and their families.

"I am enormously proud of our students every day. They have their own individual talents and are all such a pleasure to be around."

One of Mr Field's prodigies, Sam Cross, will be joining his classmate Ethan at Heathfield Knoll to do BTEC in art and design. 

His mum Emma Cross said: "For all parents out there who may be struggling, I just want to say I have never ever regretted getting an EHCP. It’s important to tell our stories as people assume children like Sam aren’t capable of achieving academically.

"Sam is highly intelligent and a talented artist. He’s passed all the exams he sat and achieved a six in English. 

"We have high aspirations for Sam and would like to thank Ellie and Luke and the rest of the team for all they have done to ensure Treetops enables our children to achieve." 

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