Police have issued a warning to residents after a person was spotted trying to gain access to cars in Redditch. 

West Mercia Police said they were aware of reports via Facebook concerning a suspect trying car door handles around Harport Road. 

Officers are encouraging the community to report similar incidents to them and are asking for CCTV footage.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: “We have become aware of reports via facebook concerning a suspect trying to gain access to vehicles in Redditch, particularly Harport Road.

“If you have CCTV evidence of this type of incident please can you contact us.  

“Attempting to gain access to a vehicle is a recordable crime and can be dealt with.”

Police said similar offences previously have resulted in court orders restricting the suspects from entering the driveways of other residents.

They added: “If you can please report incidents to PC 2715 Melville via 0777 304 1135 (whatsapp/text/call) or email on greg.melville@westmercia.police.uk.”