A SIX-year-old from Redditch is the star of a charity single and music video raising money to help fund singing sessions at a hospital.

‘You Are Everything’ is an "uplifting" song, which aims to encourage children to "find their voice and sing when they’re scared or feeling sad".

It’s raising money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, to help fund singing-play sessions at the hospital run by Ex Cathedra Singing Medicine.

It features the vocals of some of the patients, including Emilia Mackay, who has been a patient at Birmingham Children’s Hospital since April last year. 

She was diagnosed with aplastic anaemia, a serious blood condition, where the bone marrow and stem cells do not produce enough blood cells.

Emilia had a successful stem cell transplant in September, but had to spend six weeks in hospital, in isolation, as she was immunocompromised. During this time, with her interaction with others limited, her sessions with Ex Cathedra Singing Medicine became a source of joy and something she looked forward to.

Having enjoyed singing and dancing before she became ill, it was something her mum, Steph was so pleased to see.

Redditch Advertiser: Emilia while in hospitalEmilia while in hospital (Image: Birmingham Children's Hospital)

Steph Mackay said: “It was an absolute joy to watch Emilia sing and play instruments with the team from Ex Cathedra Singing Medicine every week.

"Her face lit up every time they arrived. When we learned about the charity single, Emilia was so excited to get involved and do her part so kids in the future can benefit from the same sessions she did.

"She spent a couple of weeks learning the lyrics with the team and even got to go into the studio to record it, once we had left hospital.

"It’s an experience that will stay with us always.”  

To view the ‘You Are Everything’ charity single and see the patients in action, visit bch.org.uk/singing, where you can also donate.