Woodrow is to undergo a makeover as part of a new artist-in-residence project.

The six-month ‘Love Woodrow’ initiative, run by Severn Arts and Reimagine Redditch, has received nearly £69,000 from the Inclusive Communities Fund.

The project aims to engage the community, address societal issues, and leave a lasting legacy.



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The scheme will see a commissioned artist working with Woodrow residents to produce new installations.

The collaboration aims to bring people together, boost health and wellbeing, create some pride in the area, and brighten up the Woodrow Centre with public artwork.

Elaine Knight, arts director at Severn Arts, and a Reimagine Redditch consortium member, said: "The Inclusive Communities Fund aims to make a difference to people’s lives by supporting projects that will act as a catalyst to address inequalities.

"That’s why we’re thrilled to have secured an award from this fund -- because of the positive impact it will have for close to 5,000 people in Woodrow.

"The selected artist will be working with new and established groups in Woodrow communities to co-create a programme of activities which responds uniquely to local issues.

"We can’t wait to see what they create together."

Richard Bromhall, programme director for Reimagine Redditch, said: "People in Woodrow told us they wanted to ‘brighten up’ the neighbourhood.

"They told us about the challenges they see as barriers to health, wellbeing and creativity."

The artist will be based across four different community venues: Your Ideas' The Den (set to open June 2024), Woodrow Meeting Rooms, Woodrow Library, and the Borough Council's Housing Department.

Discussions with people further revealed a lack of cultural opportunities, particularly amongst the younger demographic, and a desire for sculptures and murals in the area.

Plans are in the pipeline for a series of sculptures across Woodrow to explore place, culture, and heritage.