A REDDITCH nursery is delighted to have achieved a 'Good' grade from their latest Ofsted Inspection.

This comes after a 'Requires Improvement' rating was handed to Bright Kids Crabbs Cross back at the beginning of 2023.

The nursery introduced a new experienced manager in January 2023, Paula Cooper, who has created a new stronger management team with the existing deputy that helped the nursery and staff to achieve their latest grade.

The Ofsted report says: “Leaders are passionate about improving practice and standards in this nursery. They have worked hard coaching the staff team and improving the environment for learning.”

“There is a clear and ambitious vision for the children attending this nursery.”

“Staff know children well and form caring, nurturing relationships with them. This helps to make sure that children are happy and relaxed in this warm, welcoming nursery.”

“Children enjoy a rich learning environment and have plenty of time to lead their own play. They choose from an extensive range of resources, which they use imaginatively in their play and make choices about what they would like to do because staff take every opportunity to encourage independence.”

“Staff's good knowledge of how children learn and develop helps them to assess progress accurately. They know children well, quickly picking up on their likes and interests".

Nursery manager Paula Cooper said: “To be awarded a Good Ofsted rating, in what can only be described as exceptionally hard times for the childcare sector and the rest of the world is a fantastic achievement and we are all so very proud of our Bright Kids Team” she went on to say “

"The team has worked extremely hard during this year in order to build our unique learning environments for the children. I’m so glad that Ofsted have recognised this work and given us this well-deserved grade.”