A NIGHTCLUB reveller was attacked and left with horrendous injuries after leaving a club in Redditch in the early hours. 

The victim had just left Popworld on Market Place when he was hit in the head and knocked unconscious.

He woke up around ten minutes later with his jaw broken in two places and a fractured eye socket.

The attack happened between 4am and 5am on Saturday (December 2) as the victim headed towards Unicorn Hill.

West Mercia Police is appealing for information after the nasty attack.

A spokesperson said: "It is believed he was hit in the head, being unconscious for around ten minutes and received injuries to the face, including his jaw being broken in two places and a fractured eye socket.

"If you witnessed the assault or have any information that would help with enquiries please contact PC Preece by email jonathan.preece@westmercia.police.uk or by calling 07971971285."