REDDITCH pensioners are being urged to check if they are entitled to Pension Credit to ensure they don’t miss out on support.

There are already 1,750 claimants of Pension Credit in Redditch, but its believed around a quarter of people who could claim the extra help do not currently do so.

Pension Credit is a top-up for the most vulnerable pensioners that is worth an average of £3,500.

Checking eligibility and applying by Sunday, December 18 will mean pensioners could also receive a £324 boost thanks to Pension Credit backdating rules.

Redditch MP, Rachel Maclean said: “There are many pensioners in Redditch who are eligible for Pension Credit but aren't currently claiming it.

“This is help and support you're entitled to, which is I'm urging everyone to look into whether they or their loved ones are eligible ahead of December 18th to ensure they receive a backdated Cost of Living Payment worth £324.”