HERE are the latest public notices for Redditch: 

Edward Street, Redditch is closed for a distance of 110 metres from February 28 for 12 days due to drainage work/ flood alleviation by Norcon Construction Limited.

Worcestershire County Council is considering making an order updating the 30mph speed limits on several roads in Wythall.

The roads include Hollywood Lane and Lea Green Lane from the junction with Alcester Road to the junction with Station Road and Norton Lane.

It also includes Truemans Heath Lane from its junction with Hollywood Lane and Station Road and Norton Lane from the county border to the junction with the A435.

Church Road, Bradley Green will be closed from its junction with Droitwich Road to its junction with Dark Lane for 11 days from March 15.

School Lane, Alvechurch is closed from its junction with Droitwich Road to its junction with Middle Road for 33 days from February 21 due to new gas main works by Cadent Gas.