WORCESTERSHIRE'S wildlife is under threat from climate change as the county's wildlife Trust issues a warning to residents.

The caution has come after a new report from the WWF highlights that the world's rising temperatures is warming oceans and landscapes, meaning many species won't be able to cope with the new conditions.

A spokesperson from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust said: "Worcestershire’s wildlife, as with nature across the UK, is at threat from climate change, development, neglect and recreational pressures. At Worcestershire Wildlife Trust we’re working hard with landowners, communities and individuals to ensure that our nature reserves, which are often the last refuges for many of our precious species, are linked across our countryside to other wildlife-rich stepping stones. Providing corridors that allow wildlife to move through the landscape (including our gardens and community spaces) is essential in helping species to adapt to climate change".

Species ranging from bluebells to bumblebees will be affected, according to the 'Feeling The Heat' report from the conservation charity.

The Trust added: “Warmer temperatures will also put additional stresses on less mobile species such as bluebells, either through reduced water availability or, again, increasing vulnerability to new and existing diseases. Climate change is having an impact on many of our species, with changes in both geographical ranges, emergence times and breeding periods.

"The flowering dates of key foodplants for insects could have serious impacts if insect emergence dates don’t mirror that change – in turn, this can impact on the ability of birds and mammals to find food for their young".

Tanya Steele, chief executive at WWF, said: “If we are to secure a future for some of our most iconic species and habitats, and indeed ourselves, then 2021 must be a turning point. As hosts, the UK Government needs to show it can deliver on its ambitious climate targets by publishing a credible action plan without delay, outlining the steps it will take to cut harmful emissions and reach net zero.

"At the same time, ministers must recognise nature’s vital role in helping to deliver a 1.5C world, and urgently scale up efforts to protect and restore nature at home and overseas, including critical places like the Amazon and the polar regions".