A SPOOF television documentary about Redditch screened on BBC2 this week met with a storm of protest from outraged civic leaders and residents.

The programme, called Kevin Turvey - The Man Behind the Green Door, was said to be a slight on Redditch, making its people look like morons.

It provoked councillors and angry residents to switch off their TV sets in disgust and many later protested to the BBC over its showing.

The 40-minute long film starred new wave comedian Rick Mayal from A Kick up the Eighties as the investigative reporter Kevin Turvey, a member of the "typical" Redditch family.

It contained several swear words, not all of which were bleeped out, and featured a racist park keeper who attacked the reporter during one of his "investigations".

Independent borough councillor Paul Dyson said the programme painted Redditch in the worst possible light and was totally offensive.

"It was a slight on Redditch, it was running the town down," he said.