A FORMER school teacher returned to Our Lady’s Catholic Primary in Alcester last week to share something she’d been working on with the children.

Sue McGreal who left the school in August 2011 has written her very own children’s book ‘Jimmy Fox’s Great Pet Adventure’, and she came back to read the story to some of the year six pupils.

The book tells the story of a lonely man's attempts to select a perfect pet companion, and how he gets into difficulties in the process.

Mrs McGreal said: “I promised the children that when I had enough time, I would write a book of my own and so, when I finished work two years ago, Jimmy Fox was born.

“I think reading is so important. It’s not just an essential skill, but it can give a lifetime of enjoyment. I believe it’s really important that young readers have quality writing to encourage them, and that’s what I’ve tried to achieve with ‘Jimmy Fox’s Great Pet Adventure’.”