THOSE new to photography or established photographers are welcome at Webheath Digital Photographic Club. It was formed in January 2007 and exists to encourage the development of members’ photographic skills in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. Anyone with any interest in digital photography is encouraged to visit us, whether owners of compact cameras or the latest DSLRs, computer owners or not.

We are entering our seventh year and have a full programme planned for 2013 which includes 10 guest speakers, nine assignments, eight evening photoshoots, six weekday photoshoots, seven competitions, five show and tell nights, two exhibitions plus some occasional technical evenings.

We have also started our Historic Redditch project.

Anyone interested in any aspect of digital photography is always welcome to visit us at Webheath Village Hall on Tuesday nights (first two visits free). Doors open at 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Alternatively, visit our website at .