Blackwell and Burcot WI

The president welcomed everyone including one new member to our April meeting. The business followed with the Treasurer’s report and dates for our diaries including a visit for coffee to Burcot Grange Residential Home, the craft group meeting, a fashion show at Hagley WI, a summer soiree at Hartlebury Castle, and a visit to the Good Food Show at the NEC. Our own annual sponsored Bluebell Walk for Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) will be on April 25th with lunch afterwards at the Victoria pub in Barnt Green. Anyone interested in joining a lunch club - a new venture for us - was asked to sign up and the first meeting will be on May 19.

Our speaker was from a company supplying food supplements, not only for sale but as a charity to help provide nutrients in countries like Africa and Afghanistan where the children have a poor diet. He told us that as a result of

intensive farming over many decades there are now fewer minerals in the soil and consequently in our food, so perhaps our own diets are not as healthy as we think. Certainly "food for thought". He was thanked for a very interesting and informative talk.

The meeting closed after the raffle had been drawn and tea served. The next meeting on May 11 will be the AGM and voting on this year's proposed WI resolutions, followed by a talk on the work of the ACWW. We welcome visitors and new members.