AT January’s meeting, members discussed the overall success of the Christmas collections held during the run-up to Christmas at the town’s supermarkets.

It was very gratifying to find that the generosity of the people of Redditch and surrounding areas had not diminished when it came to dropping money into collection tins. Together with the tremendous support from individual store managers, the club raised just over £6,000.

This is a major fundraising event that the club holds each year and without the generosity of everyone, the work the club does locally to help those in need, would not be possible.

Already, donations from the collection have been made and the Primrose and Acorn children’s hospices, both dear to the hearts of the people of the area, have benefited. Over the course of the year, further help will be given by the club as it looks at the projects that are brought to its attention.

The new year brought a sad parting club from the club’s meeting place at The Blue Inn, previously the Campanile Hotel.

The hotel had been the HQ of Redditch Lions for some very happy 14 years and it was with some reluctance that the decision was made to move, but with the expanding business of the new owners, club membership and its commitments, the club will now be meeting at the Southcrest Manor Hotel, Pool End, every second Wednesday of the month at 8pm.

A number of new enterprises will be introduced over the coming year. Both fundraising to support the club’s welfare projects, but also the social side of being a member of a Lions Club.

We have started to prepare for the annual Redditch Lions Summer Fair, again in conjunction with Redditch Council’s Green Fair in Stitch Meadows, Arrow Valley Park. This year it will take place on Sunday, June 29 and will, hopefully, have some new and exciting action taking place. For more details on Redditch Lions, see