THE November meeting was chaired by president Ian Stalker, who welcomed members and guests, and explained the programme.

To get everyone’s voices warmed up, he introduced an icebreaker. The object is to get everyone on their feet to say a few sentences, in this case explaining what silly ideas they’d had.

He then invited the group to make presentations on things that they found amusing or funny. The members had been given prior notice of this, and presented items which they’d seen in newspapers or read in books.

There was agreement that humour is highly individual. The Speakers Guide (a sort of manual for public speaking which every member gets when they join the club) gives hints and advice on how to use the weapons in a speaker’s armoury, including humour, how to use the voice to maximum effect, gaining rapport with an audience, constructing a speech, and saying something you believe in.

Ian asked the members to speak for two minutes on topics which he’d set.

This is speaking in front of an audience without prior notice of the subject matter. It’s an exercise which requires practise, and gives a great confidence boost to members who undertake what to anyone looking on could be forgiven for thinking is an ordeal.

Now is a great time to join the club.

Contact Ian Stalker on 01527 550086, or see redditchspeakersclub.