IN early October, our monthly meeting traditionally incorporates our annual business meeting. We opened proceedings by singing Jerusalem, and then dealt with our general monthly business matters, before breaking off for an early tea.

We then welcomed Carolyn Wood from WFWI, who presided over the afternoon’s more formal proceedings.

These included reports from our president, treasurer and secretary, details of the 2014 programme of monthly events, and nominations and ballot for our new president.

Carol Johnson was duly re-elected as president and all members of the existing committee were re-elected enbloc.

Presentation of the Competition Shield was made to Gwen Close and competition rules were clarified. A total of 11 suggestions for competition titles were picked at random from the competition suggestions box for the coming year.

Later in the month, we hosted a group meeting at the village Hall for representatives of six WIs in the Alcester group. A total of 80 women shared a chicken and salad meal followed by a cheesecake dessert. We were entertained by Margot McCleary, who performs monologues and recitations by, or in the style of, Joyce Grenfell and Stanley Holloway. Her Velvet Glove presentation was hilarious and well-received.

Warwickshire Federation chairman, Jeryl Stone, and Corunna news editor, Sue Byrd, attended and judged the inter-WI competition (Great British Holidays) which was won by Alcester WI, with a beautiful hand-stitched representation of their favourite holiday.

Our next meeting is at 2pm today, Wednesday, November 6 at Studley Village Hall. New members and visitors are most welcome to join us.