WINES and spirits should be removed from supermarket shelves to cut back the problem of teenage alcoholism, say members of Bromsgrove and Redditch CHC.

Easy access to alcoholic drinks in supermarkets puts temptation in the paths of young people, says Mrs J Newbould.

The chairman, Mrs Nora Byng, said: "I often see young people in Redditch and Bromsgrove smoking and that horrifies me. Now alcoholism among young people is increasing and bringing with it many health hazards."

A visiting speaker, Mrs Joan Richardson, the leader of the district's health association, said prevention was, in all cases, better than cure.

"We have to teach young people that if they want to drink, smoke or take drugs, they must do it safely.

"We do not have the resources to stop drug taking and alcoholism but we can warn of the dangers and get the safety message across."