WORCESTERSHIRE County Council has thanked residents for their positive feedback to recent consultations in children's and adult's services.

The council said the good response received means it now has have a clear direction of how to shape services in the future.

Three consultations received good responses for how services for health visiting, sexual health and children with disabilities are to be re-designed.

It received more than 300 replies for the consultation on health visiting and comments from parents and carers included how they liked to use children's centres to meet their health visitor, that they would like greater flexibility in the service for working mums and for groups to be held year round and not just at term times.

Parents also highlighted that they received good signposting to charities and the voluntary sector for appropriate activities and that approachable staff and flexibility of services were important to a successful health visiting service.

For sexual health, the council received over 400 responses and the public thought that services overall were very good with professional staff.

Residents would like to see improved access to these services in Worcestershire and improved publicity of what is available.

For the children with disabilities consultation, over 200 parents and carers together with over 200 children and young people took part through individual feedback, groups and workshop presentations. Comments included that there is a need to ensure there are a range of things for children with disabilities to be able to do and clear advice and guidance on what services are available.

Service users also stated that the short break services that they are currently provided with are good and that these give families a break or time to spend with other siblings.

The council is currently consulting on school nursing, so families are welcome to take part in this consultation too.

Worcestershire County Council has joined forces with the district councils, the Fire Authority, NHS Worcestershire and the police to host a portal which houses consultations that residents can get involved in and have their say.

Visit www.worcestershire.gov.uk/haveyoursay to register and view current consultations.